by: Charles O’Dale

During my aerial meteorite crater explorations over various points of the North American Continent, I have noticed and documented a few geological features that are suspiciously shaped like meteorite craters. Also, I have investigated a few that were suggested by people who have contacted me after reading my crater articles. I have listed below the “crater like” structures that I have documented and could be confirmed as impact related if in the future evidence is found. I will be periodically adding more features as I visit them. If you have any additional information on any of the structures that I have documented or any new possible meteorite craters, please let me know.



Name Diameter KM Notes
Alsever Lake, Ontario ~4 Brent analog
Brackett Lake, NWT 8.67
Canoe Lake area, Ontario 0.150
Colter, Oklahoma, USA 0.150
Hanson Lake, Saskatchewan 0.550
La Loche, Saskatchewan 0.150
North of Lake Superior, Ontario <0.050
Otter Lake, Quebec <0.050
Prince Edward Point, Ontario 0.400
Quorn Lake, Ontario 1.73
Riding Mountains, Manitoba 1.73
South of Great Bear Lake, NWT 0.240



Name Diameter Metres Notes
Lac De Gras, NWT 825 X 720  Diamonds
Marmora, Ontario 850 X 415  Iron
Tatlock, Ontario 350 X 300  Calcium carbonate
Timmins, Ontario 875 X 800  Gold



Name Diameter KM
McGruther & Dell Lakes, Ontario ~2.3
Mecatina Lake, Quebec ~6.4



Name Diameter KM Notes
Callander Bay – Ontaro 4  ~577 ma geological
Croker Island Complex, Ontario 10 1510 ±50 ma  – Rb-Sr
Lake Skootamatta, Ontario ~5.5 Presqu’ile analog
Manitou Islands Complex, Ontario 4 ~577  ma geological
Mount Moriah Structure – Ontaro ~5.5
Sainte-Véronique Structure – Quebec 9



Name Diameter KM Erupted Notes
Crater Lake, Oregon 9.6  7,700 (± 150) years
Diamond Head, Hawaii 1.17 ~300,000 years Fort Rae analog
Etna, Italy area of 1,190 km2 Currently
Fort Rae, NWT 2.8 541 to 252 ma Diamond Head analog
Hicks Dome, Illinois 5.5 270 (± 2) Ma – Cryptovolcanic
Kilauea, Hawai’i 1.16 ~280,000 years
Mount St. Helens, Washington 2.23 1980 eruption
Pacaya Crater, Guatemala 0.21  0-23,000 years
Panum Crater, California 0.776  <700 years – Mono Lake
Santorini, Greece 12 to 18 ~3,600 years ago Possible shatter cone


Nevada Atomic Test Site

“We, all of us, are what happens when a primordial mixture of hydrogen and helium evolves for so long that it begins to ask where it came from.”
Jill Tarter