by: Charles O’Dale
- Type: Central peak
- Age Ma: 260-323 (Geological dating)a – PERMIAN
- Diameter: 5.5 km
- Location: N 37° 53’ 38″ W 92° 43’ 00″
- Shock Metamorphism: breccia, shatter cones, planar elements in quartz and intense intragranular deformation.
aThe age of the Decaturville impact structure is not definitely known but is almost certainly post-Pennsylvanian, and may be younger than Cretaceous.
R. E. Beauford, FERROUS MINERALS AND IMPACTITE MINERALIZATION AT MISSOURI’S CROOKED CREEK AND DECATURVILLE IMPACT CRATERS. Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences, MUSE 202, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 72701, USA.
Offield, T. W., Pohn, H. A., Deformation at the Decaturville impact structure, Missouri. Roddy, D.J., Pepin, R.O. and Merrill, R.B., eds., Impact and Explosion Cratering, Pergamon Press, New York, pp. 321-341. 1977