by: Charles O’Dale

*In my articles I use the term crater to define a circular impact depression and the term structure to define an impact crater that is severely altered by erosion.

Name Diameter (km) Age (megayears) Dating method Morphological type Notes
Barringer, Arizona 1.19 0.049 ± 0.003 Radioactive decay CONFIRMED Simple Jointed
Bear Swamp, New York 3.5 ~444 Geological dating PROBABLE  Simple No surface expression
Beaverhead, Montana/Idaho ~100 ~600 K-Ar, 40Ar/39Ar and Rb-Sr CONFIRMED   Peak ring Allochthonous
Bloody Creek, Nova Scotia 0.350 X 0.420 ~0.012 Geological dating PROBABLE  Simple  Elliptical basin
Bow City, Alberta 6 <75 Geological dating PROPOSED Complex  No surface expression
Brent, Ontario 3.8 396 ± 20 K-Ar studies on the coarsely crystalline melt rocks CONFIRMED Simple Overflight of Brent Crater
Calvin, Michigan 7.24 450 ± 10 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex
Can-Am, Lake Huron 100 ~500 Geological dating PROBABLE Complex Underwater in Lake Huron
Carolina Bays, NC Various ~0.0129-0.14 Not firmly quantified PROPOSED  Simple Younger Drias black mat
Carswell,, Saskatchewan 39 115 ± 10 40Ar/39Ar CONFIRMED   Peak ring Multi-ring impact?
Charity Shoal, Lake Ontario ~1  ? PROPOSED Simple underwater Lake Ontario Negative magnetic anomaly
Charlevoix, Quebec 54 342 ± 15 K-Ar CONFIRMED   Peak ring Elevated Earthquake Zone
Charron Lake, Manitoba >4.5  ? PROPOSED  Simple Negative magnetic anomaly
Chesapeake, Virginia ~85 33.99 ± 0.71 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Coesite in suevites
Chicxulub, Yucatan, Mexico 150 66.043 ±0.011 40Ar/39Ar CONFIRMED    Peak ring basin Cretaceous-Paleogene
Clearwater East, Quebec 26 ~460–470 Rb-Sr melt rocks CONFIRMED Complex Chondrite-type
Clearwater West, Quebec 32 290 ± 20 K-Ar melt rocks CONFIRMED    Peak ring  Maskelynite
Cloud Creek, Wyoming 7 ~190 ± 30 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Chronostratigraphic
Corossol Structure, Gulf of St. Lawrence 4.0 ~0.012 14C age shells in sediments PROPOSED Complex Underwater Gulf St. Lawrence
Crooked Creek, Missouri ~7 ~348 – 323 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Serial impact event?
Decaturville Structure, Missouri 5.5 260-323 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex
Deep Bay, Saskatchewan 9.5 99 ± 4 Geological dating CONFIRMED Simple Flat-floored Cretaceous sediments
Des Plaines, Illinois 8 <280 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex
Douglas Wyoming ~0.08 ~280 Sedimentological boundary PROPOSED  Simple Multiple Strewn Field
Dumas, Saskatchewan 4 <70 Geological dating PROBABLE Simple Seismic and borehole data
Eagle Butte, Alberta 10 <65 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Shatter-coned Cretaceous rocks
Eclipse Lake, Labrador small ~1.5  ? IMPROBABLE Simple – Possible flat-floored Two possible structures
Eclipse Lake, Labrador large ~6  ? IMPROBABLE Complex  Two possible structures
Elbow, Saskatchewan 8 395 ± 25 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Brecciated Devonian strata
Flynn Creek, Tennessee ~3.8 382.03 ± 21 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Shattercones
Franktown structure, Ontario ~2 >400 Ordovician sediment cover PROPOSED  Simple Circular depression
Glasford, Illinois ~4 455 ± 2 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Shattercones, shock metamorphism
Glover Bluff, Wisconsin 8 <500 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex
Gow, Saskatchewan 5 <250 Radioactive decay CONFIRMED Transitional A transitional form between a simple bowl-shaped crater and a complex crater with a central uplift.
Hartney, Manitoba 6 <190 ± 20 Geological dating PROBABLE Complex? Structurally uplifted centre
Haviland, Kansas 0.01 0.02  ±0.002 Geological dating CONFIRMED Simple Brenham meteorite
Hiawatha, Greenland 31 2.5 – 0.0117 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Younger Drias Extinction
High Rock Lake, Manitoba ~5 435 ± 10 Geological dating PROBABLE Complex
Holleford, Ontario 2.35 550 ±100 Geological dating CONFIRMED Simple Overflight of Holleford Crater
Hotchkiss Structure, Alberta 3.9 120-330 Dated unconformity PROPOSED Complex Seismic research
Howell Creek, BC ~10 90-97 Between syenites and Cardium sands IMPROBABLE Simple Circular geologic formation
Hudson Bay Arc >450 ? IMPROBABLE
No “crater” depth indication
No impact metamorphism found
Ile Rouleau, Quebec 4 <300 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Age based on stratigraphy
James River, Alberta 4.8 <480 Geological dating PROBABLE Complex No surface expression
Jocko, Ontario >0.2 <0.012 Created in glacial remains IMPROBABLE Simple Ground Exploration Video
Kakiattukallak Lake, Quebec 3 – 6  ? PROPOSED  Simple Possible Multiple Impact?
Kentland, Indiana ~13 >97 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Quarry
Lac Couture, Quebec 8 425 ± 25 Ar40-Ar39 melt rock CONFIRMED Complex Submerged central peak
Lac de Courval, Quebec ~1.6  ? PROPOSED  Simple Circular lake
Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba ~3.8  75 Sedimentary cover depth PROPOSED Simple Circular magnetic anomaly
Lac La Moinerie, Quebec 8 400 ± 50 Ar40-Ar39 melt rock CONFIRMED Complex
Lac La Moinerie (north), Quebec 1.8  ? IMPROBABLE Simple Circular structure
Manicouagan, Quebec 100 214 ± 1 Zircon/melt rock dating CONFIRMED  Peak ring basin Maskelynite
Manson, Iowa ~35 73.8 Ar40-Ar39 melt rock CONFIRMED Central peak No surface evidence
Maple Creek, Saskatchewan 6 <75 Geological & radioactive decay dating CONFIRMED Complex Disrupts Late Cretaceous rocks
Merewether, Labrador 0.19812 (largest of three) 0.00087? Sediment depth IMPROBABLE Simple Possible methane explosion
Miami Florida Crater/Structure ~1 ~140 After Florida Plateau deposition IMPROBABLE
Solutional doline
Underwater off Miami
Middlesboro, Kentucky 6 <300 Geological dating CONFIRMED  Complex Dates to the formation of the supercontinent Pangaea 300 million years ago
Mistastin, Labrador 28 36.6 ± 2 Ar40-Ar39 melt rock CONFIRMED Central peak basin Maskelynite
Montagnais, off Nova Scotia 45 50.5 ± 0.76 K-Ar, 40Ar/39Ar and Rb-Sr CONFIRMED Complex Submerged south of Nova Scotia, Canada
Newporte, North Dakota 3.2 <500 Geological biostratigraphic dating CONFIRMED Simple No surface evidence
Nicholson Lake, North West Territories 12.5 389 ± 6.7 Pb/U CONFIRMED Complex The large island within the lake is the eroded central peak
Panther Mountain, New York state 10 ~375 Geological dating PROBABLE Complex Inverted relief
Parry Peninsula, NWT 160 <65 K/T boundary timeframe IMPROBABLE Complex
Paterson, NW Greenland 36.5 YEARS
>105to >108
Geological PROBABLE Complex Under 2 km of ice
Pilot Lake, North West Territories 6 445 ± 2 K-Ar, 40Ar/39Ar and Rb-Sr CONFIRMED Complex Dating based on one sample
Pingualuit, Quebec 3.44 1.4 ± 0.1 Ar40-Ar39 melt rock CONFIRMED Simple Overflight of Pingualuit Crater
Plevna/Tomvale Structure, ONTARIO ~0.01 <12,000 Years Created in glacial remains IMPROBABLE Simple
Presqu’ile, Quebec 24 <500 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex High level erosion
Purple Springs, Alberta 6 <75 Geological dating PROBABLE Complex  No surface expression
Red Wing, North Dakota 9.1 200 ± 25 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex? Stratigraphy
Rock Elm, Wisconsin 6 420–440 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Youngest exposed rocks
Skeleton Lake, Ontario 3.5 ~800 Geological dating PROBABLE  Simple
Slate Islands, Lake Superior 32 436 ± 3 Ar40-Ar39 melt rock CONFIRMED Complex Pseudotachylite dating
Stac Fada, Scotland 40 1177 ±  5 40Ar/39Ar dating of authigenic K-feldspars PROPOSED  Complex Buried beneath the Moine Thrust
Steen River Albera 25 91 ± 7 K-Ar pyroclastic vesicular rock CONFIRMED Complex Magnesioferrite MgFe2O
St. Martin, Manitoba ~40 227.8 ±0.9 Ar40-Ar39 melt rock CONFIRMED Complex Maskelynite – Dauphin River diversion?
Sudbury, Ontario 250 1852 +4/-3 U-Pb zircon CONFIRMED  Multi ring? Sudbury Distal Ejecta
Touchwood Hills, Saskatchewan >200 >541 Post Williston Basin deposit IMPROBABLE Multi-ring Basin?
Upheaval Dome, Utah 2.57 <170 Geological dating PROPOSED Younger than the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone
Victoria Island, California 5.5 37-49 Drilling data PROPOSED  Simple Geological dating
Viewfield, Saskatchewan 2.5 190 ± 20 Geological dating CONFIRMED Simple Jurassic-Triasic post-impact deposit
Wanapitei, Ontario 3 to 7.5 37.2 ± 1.2 K/Ar, Ar40-Ar39 melt rock CONFIRMED Simple – Possible flat-floored? Maskelynite – L or LL chondrite projectile
Weaubleau, Missouri 19 320 – 340 Geological dating PROBABLE Complex Ring-like drainages
Wells Creek, Tennessee ~12 200 ± 100 Geological dating CONFIRMED Complex Shattercones
West Hawk, Manitoba 2.44 100 Geological dating CONFIRMED Simple No reliable age
Whitecourt, Alberta 0.036 0.00113 14C dating of charcoal CONFIRMED Simple Medium octahedrite (Om) IIIAB